Home > Support Articles > IT Management > Removing Ads Displayed in Contact Notes
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The CiraSync Personal Edition displays ads in the Contact notes fields; once you upgrade to CiraSync Enterprise Edition, the ads will continue to show up unless there is a clean-up done for the field.

This guide shows how to remove these ads from Contact Notes in the CiraSync Enterprise Edition.

NOTE: It is not possible to remove the ads in CiraSync Personal Edition.


  1. Click the username at the top-right corner of the CiraSync Dashboard.
  2. Click SETTINGS. (See figure below.)
  3. Click Contact Fields.
  4. Search for Notes.
  5. Check Clear.
  6. Click SAVE on the top-right corner of the Dashboard. (See figure below.)
  7. Return to the CiraSync main Dashboard.
  8. Check Update Cache under the Sync Status pane.
  9. Click SYNC NOW. (See figure below.)