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Home > Fallstudien > CiraSync Works Seamlessly for Diverse Client List of Philadelphia-Based IT Consultants, TechBldrs
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Executive Summary

TechBldrs, founded in 1998 as Technology Management Group (TMG), supports small and medium-sized businesses with world-class IT support in the Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Delaware Valley areas. Their customers mainly are in the construction, manufacturing, and education industries. As most of their client organizations have transitioned to Office 365, the Microsoft Certified IT experts at TechBldrs needed to find a way to sync Public Folder contacts and calendars along with the Office 365 Global Address List (GAL) to all employees.


TechBldrs clients have many employees who never come into the office but need to stay connected with prospects, customers, and co-workers via smartphones at all times. This is particularly important for three of their clients: West Run Development Company, Sandler, and SMCA sheet metal contractors.

All three companies have a majority of employees working offsite and the employees need the most up-to-date Public Folder and Office 365 GAL contacts available from their business smartphones at all times. Similarly to other Microsoft Office 365 users, they ran into the automated contact and public folder syncing issue for Office 365 smartphone users. Their clients needed help and needed it quickly.

“We know for a fact that CiraSync is the simplest and most cost-effective solution for syncing Office 365 Public Folder and GAL contacts with smartphones.”

Tim Wachenfeld, Technical Field Consultant, TechBldrs

The Hard Way VS CiraSync Way


As a company with certified experts in IT Solutions, TechBldrs developed a tool and process for initially merging and deduping thousands of contacts from multiple people into one company-wide contact folder within Outlook. The one folder allowed the secure Azure-based CiraSync SaaS solution to distribute all company contacts to the entire company without duplicates, thus enabling company contacts on mobile devices. The seasoned CIO innovators at TechBldrs found CiraSync to be the secure software solution they needed to simplify workflow for their clients.

“We know for a fact that CiraSync is the simplest and most cost-effective solution for syncing Office 365 Public Folder and GAL contacts with smartphones,” said Tim Wachenfeld, Technical Field Consultant at TechBldrs. “We won’t hesitate to roll it out for future clients as well.” The TechBldrs IT experts are so happy with CiraSync solution’s automated and seamless syncing of Microsoft Office 365 Public Folder and GAL contacts to business smartphones that the company plans on rolling out CiraSync internally as well.

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