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Home > Support-Artikel > Synchronisieren des Öffentlichen Ordners > Can users in my tenant add their smartphone contacts to contact lists managed by CiraSync?
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CiraSync is a one-way sync from the Source to the user’s mailbox. The program is meant to sync contacts from Office 365 GAL, Public Folders, and Shared Mailboxes to the user desktop mailbox. From there, the smartphones will sync these contacts using the Native Exchange Connector or the Outlook App.

However, users can add cellphone contacts in Public Folder Contact Lists. Please do the following to add cellphone contacts to Public Folder Contact Lists:


  1. Create and share a Public Folder Contact List with Outlook Desktop.
  2. Sync the Public Folder Contact Lists to your users with CiraSync.
  3. Have your users download the CiraSync Public Folder App for Office 365 in iTunes, Google Play, or the Microsoft App Store.
  4. Users will then add these cellphone contacts to the Public Folder Contact List.
  5. Perform a manual sync on CiraSync with the Update Cache box checked or wait for the next sync pass.