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Creating a shared calendar in Outlook is one of the best features of the tool. It’s designed to improve organization and communication, enabling teams, families, or any group to synchronize and keep track of events, appointments, and tasks.

This article will delve into the step-by-step process of creating and sharing a calendar in the Windows, Web, and Mac versions of Outlook and explore some troubleshooting tips.

How to Create a Shared Calendar in Outlook for Windows

Whether you’re looking to coordinate meetings, plan group events, or simply keep everyone on the same page, a shared calendar in Outlook for Windows is invaluable.

Here’s how to create one:

1. Open the Microsoft Outlook application on your Windows computer.

2. On the bottom left side of the application, you’ll find the Calendar icon. Click on this to switch to the calendar view.

Click on Calendar icon

3. Select „Add Calendar“ and then choose “New Calendar.”

Add a new calendar

4. Provide your calendar with a name, and you can also choose a specific folder if you wish.

5. Click “OK” to save.

6. Share the Calendar:

  • Right-click on the calendar you have just created under “My Calendars.”
  • Choose ‚Share‘ and then “Share Calendar.”

Share your calendar

7. In the new window, enter the email addresses of the individuals you want to share the calendar with.

Choose who to share your calendar with

8. Decide the level of access each recipient will have. You can allow them to view, edit, or manage the shared calendar.

9. Click “Send.” An email invitation will be sent to the recipients.

Recommended reading: How to Add an Email Account to Microsoft Outlook?

Create a Shared Outlook Calendar on Mobile

Sharing calendars isn’t limited to the desktop version of Outlook. You can also create and share calendars using the Outlook mobile app. 

Here’s how:

  1. Open the Outlook app on your mobile device
  2. Tap the calendar icon at the bottom of the screen
  3. Tap the plus sign in the top right corner and select “Add Calendar”
  4. Enter a name for your calendar
  5. Tap the “People” icon and type in name(s) or enter email addresses of the people you want to share your calendar with
  6. Tap the tick icon to share your calendar

How to Create a Shared Calendar in Outlook Web

With the rise of remote work and the need for seamless collaboration, Outlook’s Web version has become a preferred choice.

Below are steps to create a shared calendar in Outlook Web:

1. Open your web browser and go to or the specific URL for your organization’s Outlook web access.

2. Click the calendar icon in the lower-left corner.

3. Click “Add Calendar” at the top of the page and then “Create Blank Calendar.”

Create Blank Calendar

4. Name your calendar and provide any additional details if necessary.

Name your Calendar

5. Click “Save” to create the calendar.

6. Share Your Calendar:

  • Locate the newly created calendar on the left sidebar.
  • Right-click (or click on the three dots beside the calendar name) and choose “Sharing and permissions.”

Select Sharing and Permissions

7. Type in the email addresses of those you’d like to share your calendar with.

Enter email addresses for sharing

8. Click “Share” to send an invitation to the selected recipients.

How to Create a Shared Calendar in Outlook for Mac

Creating shared calendars is simple on Mac computers.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Launch the Outlook app on your Mac.

2. On the bottom toolbar, click on the calendar icon.

Click the calendar icon

3. In the “Organize” tab, click “New Calendar.”

Click New Calendar

4. Enter a name for your calendar.

5. Drag and drop your new calendar to the desired location under “My Calendars” or leave it in its default spot.

6. Share Your Calendar:

  • Right-click (or Control-click) the newly created calendar under “My Calendars.”
  • Select “Sharing Permissions.”

Click Sharing Permissions

7. Click the ‚+‘ button, then type and select the names or email addresses of the individuals you want to share the calendar with.

Note: You can specify the level of access each individual should have, from viewing all the way to editing.

Add invites and specify permission levels

8. Click „Add“ and close the permissions window. Your recipients will receive an email notification granting them access.

Recommended reading: How to Create a Contact Group in Outlook?

How to Share a Calendar By Publishing It to a Web Page

If you want to share your calendar with people outside your organization or those who might not have an Outlook account, you can publish it to a web page.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Open Outlook on your computer and go to the Calendar view.

2. In the navigation pane, right-click on the calendar you wish to share.

Select the Calendar you want to share

3. Choose “Publish to Web” or “Publish This Calendar.”

Choose Publish this Calendar

4. From the drop-down list, select the desired detail level. You can choose from can view when I’m busy, can view titles and locations, can view all details.

Select your desired detail level

5. Click Publish.

6. Outlook will create a URL for your calendar. You can share this link with anyone you wish to give access to.

Different Permission Levels When Sharing a Calendar in Outlook

When sharing a calendar, it’s important to consider what level of access each person needs. As the calendar owner, you can choose the appropriate permission for each person based on their role and needs.

Outlook offers the following permission levels for calendar sharing: 

  1. Can view when I am busy: This basic level only displays the times when you have events scheduled on your calendar. No other details, like the subject or location of the events, are visible to the person with this permission.
  2. Can view titles and locations: With this permission, the person can see not only the times of your events but also the subject and location for each one. However, they still can’t access any additional details you may have included in the event description.
  3. Can view all details: As the name suggests, this level allows the person to see all the information about your calendar events, including the time, subject, location, and any other details you’ve added. However, they cannot make any changes to your calendar.
  4. Can edit: This permission level gives the person the ability to modify your calendar directly. They can create, edit, and delete events, as well as view all the details of existing items. This level is appropriate for close collaborators or assistants.
  5. Delegate: The highest level of access, Delegate permission allows the person to manage your calendar as if it were their own. They can edit events, view full details, and even send and respond to meeting requests on your behalf. This level is typically reserved for executive assistants or other trusted individuals.

Why Can’t I Create a Shared Calendar In Outlook?

The following are potential reasons for problems with creating a shared calendar in Outlook:

  • Permissions: The most common reason is a lack of permissions. You may not have the necessary rights to create or share calendars, especially if you’re part of a larger organization with IT-imposed restrictions.
  • Outdated Software: If you’re using an older version of Outlook, some features may not be available or may have known issues. Always ensure Outlook is up-to-date.
  • Server Issues: If you’re using Outlook in an enterprise setting, there might be server-side issues or policies that prevent the sharing of calendars.
  • Configuration Problems: There could be misconfigurations in your Outlook settings or issues with the integration of Outlook with other software or services.
  • Connectivity: If you are facing issues with your internet connection, it might hinder the process.

If you’re still having issues after using the above tips, contact your IT department or refer to Microsoft’s official help documentation for detailed troubleshooting.

How to Access a Shared Calendar in Outlook and See Events

Once someone has shared a calendar with you, you’ll need to add it to your Outlook to view it. Here’s how to access a shared calendar and see its events:

  1. In Outlook, go to your calendar view
  2. Right-click “My Calendars” in the folder pane on the left
  3. Select “Add Calendar” and then “Open Shared Calendar”
  4. Type the name or email address of the person whose calendar you want to add
  5. Their calendar will now show up alongside your own, and you’ll see their events

What is the Difference Between a Shared Calendar and a Group Calendar in Outlook?

A Shared Calendar is created by an individual and shared with specific people. The original owner can decide the level of access each person has – from view-only to edit rights. On the other hand, a Group Calendar is associated with Microsoft 365 Group or Microsoft Teams teams. Users who are members of that group or team have access to the group calendar. Members can add or modify events depending on permissions set by the group admin.

Check out this post to learn how to create a Group Calendar in Outlook.

Group calendars are great for teams where all members need to collaborate on scheduling and events. Shared calendars are Ideal for scenarios where only a selected group of individuals needs access.

The Bottomline

Outlook offers a suite of tools for calendar sharing and collaboration. Whether you’re using Outlook on Windows, Mac, or the Web, the platform offers a user-friendly way to create and share calendars. Following the steps above, you can effectively coordinate schedules, plans, and events with your colleagues, family, or friends. Remember to set permissions judiciously, ensuring recipients have the appropriate level of access.

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Ikimi O. is an experienced technical writer passionate about software, technology, and engineering. He has a background in engineering and has written content on a wide variety of topics and niches. His hobbies include reading, watching movies, and traveling.
