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This guide shows how to get a CiraSync sales quote by email.


1. Log in to the CiraSync Dashboard.

2. Click REQUEST QUOTE in the Licensing pane of the CiraSync Dashboard. (See figure below.)

3. If this is the first time you are purchasing a CiraSync license, you will immediately see the Build a Sales Quote Step 1 of 2 dialog box. (See figure below.)

4. Select the subscription plan you would like to purchase.

5. Select the number of packs you would like to purchase.

NOTE: CiraSync licenses come in packs of 10.

6. Click NEXT. (See figure below.)

7. Click on the pen icon to choose the Billing point of contact for CiraSync. 

NOTE: The Billing point of contact must be a real person. Users such as Support, Admin, IT or HelpDesk are not supported.

8. Click EMAIL QUOTE to have the CiraSync sales quote sent to the Billing point of contact. (See figure below.)

Congratulations, you have learned how to get a CiraSync sales quote! When you are ready, you can purchase CiraSync Enterprise Edition Licenses!
